This is the link to my first "animations", followed by a turntable of a bust of my model demonstrating the route I'd like to go for the hair. The hair needs alot more modelling and styling, but for the purpose intended, it should be sufficient in it's current state.
A couple notes about the animating:
-there are no shape keys yet so there is some stretching and deformation at the joints(especially where the torso meets the limbs.
-they are still in the "blocking out" stage. By this I mean most key frames are set at multiples of 4 or 5, which provides a good basic concept, but lacks character.
-there is also a sash she wears that for the animation I removed. I would like to use the spline IK to rig it, but it seems that, at least in R2.57, this modifier is pretty fussy and finicky to use.
-the video may seem poor quality as screen recording is pretty taxing on my laptop. I think it turned out well enough.
About the animations themselves: Well, for starters, to those unfamiliar with the character, her name is Ms. Marvel. She is a character from the Marvel Universe(right in there with Spiderman, Ironman and Dr. Doom). I believe she currently has her own book, but has been affiliated with the Avengers. At this point in time I should state that, no, I have not sought out permission to use these characters, as of yet. Quite frankly, I don't belive the project is at a substantial enough state, that would justify the efforts taken on both parties behalf for such communications. Having said that if anything I've currently posted is viewed and thought to be offensive to Marvel Characters Inc., simply, kindly let me know and I would be happy to remove any offensive material. If I am able to stick it out and this project continues forward, I do intend to pursue the means to obtain said rights.
Okay, with that out of the way, Ms Marvel. Her power set includes enhanced strength and durability, flight and the ability to absorb and project energy, though I am not sure what type of energy. Also Carol Danvers(Ms Marvel's counterpart) was an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. prior to being "Ms. Marvel", in which she developed hand to hand combat skills and demonstrated high intellect. So what you are seeing is a demonstration of some basic strikes, the beginning of a energy projection animation some flight movements and basic walk and run cycles. I followed it up with the wig turntable to show the style used for modelling the hair and to show my intentions to not have a bald character.
Some random goals and notes about the project and possibly Blender:
-I would like to push the BGE, as this is a higher poly mesh(approx. 4500 w/o hair)aimed at running on a higher end machine.
-to best give a glimpse at what I'd like to capture, think of the movie, the Matrix: Revolutions. In particular recall the grandeur of the final battle between Neo and Mr. Smith. A good mix of close quarter combat and that epic, comic book-like action of people being tossed through buildings and fights spanning several blocks. In a nut shell I'd like to give a big, open playground, show casing some of Marvels characters, in which the user has to play.
-I am not an inventor, but rather an innovator, meaning I watch a movie or play a game and it seems my mind set instinctively goes, "that was good, but this could have made it better". So the fighting engine would be a collabaration of many titles I've played each bringing their good points and hopefully producing something great.
-the animations and character actions and reactions would be a combination of user input(similiar to Fight Night, Smack Down vs. Raw, etc) and character selection. Best put(I don't know if this is what qualifies as role playing), to as best as possible, put the user in the shoes of said character. Strengths and limitations. Super humans provide a vast variety of dynamics to play with. Ie. Juggernaught can take a beaten, so the user would really have to lay a beating to beat him, Ms Marvel/Ironman can fly, therefore you can fly, Green Goblin has a glider, in turn so do you and the list goes on.
-Looking at the Virtual fighter series, I really liked their approach to the combo system. I found it allowed for alot of control and creativity on behalf of the user. Personally, I'm tired of the three hit combos provided by most combat systems.
-I'd like to try increase replayability, by creating each matchup from the ground up. Ie. Wolverine would interact differently with Magneto than with Sabertooth.
-In regards to control layout I would like it to be designed simple with the potential to be complex. Button mashing younger siblings could still play and enjoy, but a more experienced, controlled combatant would have the upperhand. Answer simply lies in more emphasis on defensive controls. Fight Night is a perfect example.
-limit as much physics and use many smaller animations to hopefully achieve smooth character movement. Use the walk cycle to demonstrate, I have it broken down into four parts. They are: "start walk", "left foot stride", "right foot stride" and "end walk" stages.
Well that is it for now. Thank you if you've taking the time to read this.